Accupressure - Siva Sakthi divine centre
Having a good health is best happiness. As per science Human form appeared on the earth more than 4 million years ago. No one knows which machine is fixed in our body by the creator which can work for nearly 90 years. Our body is capable of curing any disease. To maintain organs and endocrine glands in a proper working order Acupressure helps the body in the process of CURE. The word 'Acupressure ' is related to Acupuncture "ACU means needle and 'puncture' means to 'pierce' . Acupuncture means the art of treating diseases by piercing specific points in the body. Five elements Earth or Wood, Fire, water, Air, Space controlled by the electricity of the body known in the West as Bioelectricity. The current of electricity,'Chetana', comes from this non-changeable life Battery. This battery has been installed in our body at the time of conception. The white light generated from this body can be seen in the middle of forehead with eyes closed through yo...